Frequently Asked Questions: AchieveWorks Personality

Frequently Asked Questions: AchieveWorks Personality

Q: What is personality type?

A: Personality type is the innate way in which people naturally see the world and make decisions – a set of basic drives and motivations that remains constant throughout a person’s life. Personality type refers to a system for understanding human behavior. It is based on the belief that there are 16 distinct personality types and that every person is most accurately described by one of those types. Each type has its own inherent strengths and potential weaknesses. Personality type does not predict intelligence; rather, it identifies important natural predispositions and tendencies.

Q: Who discovered personality type?

A: The popular use of personality type is the result of the work of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung and two American type theorists, Katharine Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers. Briggs and Myers developed an instrument – the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) – to help identify and explain the Jungian types. Personality type has been embraced the world over as a non-judgmental tool for helping people better understand themselves and others.

Q: Who uses personality type?

A: It is widely used by educators, counselors and clergy. It is also used by Fortune 500 companies to improve management effectiveness, help work teams function better, and assist people in making the most satisfying career decisions.

Q: What are the four dimensions of personality type?

A: The personality type model describes four basic aspects of human personality, called dimensions

because each one can be viewed as a continuum between opposite extremes. Those dimensions


  • Extraversion versus Introversion (E/I): identifies where an individual tends to focus their attention and gain most of their energy (the outer world or the inner world)
  • Sensing versus Intuition (S/N): describes what type of information an individual tends to gather, and what they are naturally aware of (concrete details or abstract ideas)
  • Thinking versus Feeling (T/F): determines how an individual tends to evaluate information, make decisions and reach conclusions (objectively based on logic, or subjectively based on values)
  • Judging versus Perceiving (J/P): assesses how an individual tends to relate to the outer world of everyday life (by seeking structure and closure, or by remaining open and spontaneous)

Q: What does the four-letter personality type code mean?

A: Each letter in the code represents a particular personality type dimension preference:

  • E for Extraversion
  • I for Introversion
  • N for iNtuition
  • S for Sensing
  • T for Thinking
  • F for Feeling
  • J for Judging
  • P for Perceiving

Q: Why is personality type such a good predictor of career satisfaction and success?

A: Personality type is the foundation of this program because people are happiest and most successful in jobs that allow them to use their greatest natural gifts. Personality type is the best way of determining what those gifts are, and to pinpoint the occupations where people find the greatest opportunity for expression.

Q: Does personality type change as we age?

A: We believe that people are born with a specific personality type, and that one’s type does not change throughout life. Certainly we grow, develop and change as a result of life experiences. And we develop a range of behaviors that are appropriate to given situations. This prompts us to act differently at a party than at a funeral. However, it is really our behaviors that change, and not our personality types.

Q: How long does it take to complete AchieveWORKS Personality?

A: It typically takes 20 minutes or less to complete the assessment.

Q: What is in the AchieveWORKS Personality report?

A: The report features a description and graphical representation of the individual’s personality type, including a slider bar that illustrates the individual’s orientation towards the four dichotomies; natural strengths and challenges in the areas of Learning, Work and Productivity, Communication, and Working with Others, along with recommendations for each; and, a list of potential careers and college majors, including career clusters and pathways, matched to the personality type.

Q: Has research been conducted on AchieveWORKS Personality?

A: Yes. A large independent study was conducted on the psychometric properties of AchieveWORKS Personality. The results showed that AchieveWORKS Personality has comparable results to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) in the validity test examining fit. AchieveWORKS Personality also has stable psychometric properties and “very respectable” reliability. Of the individuals sampled, 91%  reported that they were “mostly or very comfortable” with the fit of their report’s type descriptions and 75% selected a type that matched their MBTI results after professional intervention. Read the statistical analysis and research findings.

Q: What do the terms “valid” and “reliable” mean?

A: A valid instrument measures precisely what it claims to measure. A reliable one yields consistent and repeatable results over time. What does that mean to you? Peace of mind that our assessments do what we say they do.

Q: How do you know an assessment works as it claims to?

A: It’s easy to find an assessment with amazing claims, but few companies are willing to show you the research conducted on their assessment. Our assessments are both valid (they measure what they claim to) and reliable (the results have been repeated consistently). You can read more about the psychometrics, or statistical analysis, of our assessments at We’re proud of the meaningful difference our assessments make in students’ lives every day and are happy to share their results.

Q: Is AchieveWORKS Personality as expensive as other personality type assessments?

A: AchieveWORKS Personality is very reasonably priced for schools of all sizes. Unlike competing products, our assessments are taken online (instead of using pen and paper) and do not require a certified professional to implement. The Counselor’s Handbook is designed to provide facilitators with the information necessary to prepare students and answer questions about personality type.

Q: What does AchieveWORKS Personality include?

A: AchieveWORKS Personality includes accounts with portfolios for all registered users, a complete student personality assessment and report, a career center with over 900 careers, and professional tools for educators, counselors and administrators.

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