Strategies for AchieveWorks implementation
Click below to find out how to use our Criteria Checklists to to help students use the results of our Personality, Learning & Productivity, Intelligences, or Skills assessments.
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TruTalent Criteria Checklists
For information on using our Criteria Checklists to help students use the results of our assessments, reach out to our CustomerCare team. Personality Criteria Checklist Learning & Productivity Criteria Checklist Intelligences Criteria Checklist
Frequently Asked Questions - AchieveWorks Intelligences
Q: What are multiple intelligences? A: In 1983, Dr. Howard Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligences, which states that there is more than one type of intelligence. The list of intelligences is based upon specific criteria and continues ...
Frequently Asked Questions: AchieveWorks Personality
Q: What is personality type? A: Personality type is the innate way in which people naturally see the world and make decisions – a set of basic drives and motivations that remains constant throughout a person’s life. Personality type refers to a ...
Getting Started with AchieveWorks
Bookmark this page for easy access anytime! Now that you have powerful assessment tools at your fingertips, getting started with AchieveWorks® is easy. This serves as your one-stop resource to get started with the basics, and then once you're ready ...
AchieveWorks statistical analysis
View information on the psychometric properties (statistical analysis) of our AchieveWorks assessments. This includes information on the validity and reliability of each assessment.