General information
Canvas Administrator Guide - LTI 1.3
Below are the administrator steps to configure a product in Canvas LTI 1.3. The URL should be replaced with if installing and testing in a Sandbox first. Register a Tool Log ...
D2L Administrator Guide - LTI 1.3 (Advantage)
Below are the administrator steps to configure a product in D2L LTI 1.3. The URLs should be replaced with if installing and testing in a Sandbox first. Register a Tool Log into D2L using an administrator user. Click the ...
How do you ensure that your personality assessments don't discriminate against groups of individuals?
Assessments that rank certain groups of people above or below others can lead to discrimination against certain groups of individuals. Our personality assessment does not rank people. Instead it highlights different qualities of personality - how ...
O*NET Career Database FAQ
Q: What is the O*NET Database? A: The O*NET Database is a resource sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor containing information on hundreds of standardized and occupation-specific descriptors. It contains over 800 complete career profiles. The ...
D2L Administrator Guide
Administrator Steps to Configure a Product Create Tool Provider Select External Learning Tools (LTI) → Manage Tool Providers -> New Tool Provider. Please copy and paste these entries into the form: Launch Point: Version: ...
LMS Content Removal and Re-Import Process
If you are experiencing problems with the integration of our content into your LMS course, we will most likely recommend the removal of the existing content and re-doing the import. This process, while it sounds daunting is fairly simple. It is ...
Invoicing and accounting inquiries
Have a question related to an invoice you've already received? Email and our team will be happy to assist. If you have a question about your product license or future invoicing, or if you are an individual and have ...
Alternative Format Requests
We frequently respond to alternative format requests for our First Year Experience programs. This courseware provides entirely online, interactive, and dynamic content that is personalized to each user based on their interactions with the software. ...
HECVAT request form
To request the Publish1st HECVAT (Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Tool), please complete this form:
ISBN numbers
Following is a list of ISBN for all of our online publications. Note that access purchased to publications cannot be shared across institutions. CollegeScope CollegeScope 4th Edition: 978-1-7344009-6-0 CollegeScope Career Edition 2022: ...
Bookstore Order Policy
Access Keys expire after 2 years. If the product configuration adopted by faculty changes, we will replace any existing Access Key inventory at no charge. Bookstores may return unused Access Keys (no more than 50% of initial order) within 30 days of ...
Professional development opportunities
Professional users looking for professional development opportunities will find that we offer a variety of options to help you get the most out of our products. Want to deepen your understanding of personality type, learning styles and multiple ...
Human eSources Non-discrimination Statement
Find the Human eSources Non-discrimination Statement here.
Human eSources Service Level Agreement for Post-Secondary Clients
Human eSources Service Level Agreement Human eSources primary brand promise is “People First”. We do our best to live up to that by providing the best possible user experiences while delivering our valuable products to the institution and end-users. ...